I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.
~ Lily Tomlin

Face Book Administrators
play a huge role in networking
the pets at AAS and all of the
projects and plans of FAAS.
Go to
and message us if you can help.
Don't have to be local!
FAAS Volunteers
FAAS is 100% Volunteers and we have an amazing group that work so hard for the animals and pets of Arlington! Everything we do focuses on our ultimate goal of increasing the Live Release Rate at the Arlington Shelter and it has worked! If you are interested in volunteering check out the various teams that make FAAS a success and so much fun too! Not all FAAS members volunteer at Arlington Animal Services, but a lot do that as well.

Volunteer at Arlington Animal Services - fill out application online.
Please note: FAAS is an independent entity apart from Arlington Animal Services and volunteering at AAS is separate from FAAS volunteering.
Fundraising Team
FAAS hosts fundraising events and campaigns that make our work possible. Yappy Hours, Dog Walk, Online Auctions, Sponsorships, etc.
Community Education
Spreading the word to our community about adopting, fostering, TNR, spay/neuter, etc. through schools and city wide events.
Through our trapping efforts, FAAS has adoptable kittens and cats and the Adoptions team uploads to Petfinder and attends adoption events.
Social Media
Photographers always needed to promote our awesome pets and admins for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to spread our message! See Below
Keeping our supporters and volunteers up to date on events, needs, successes, and more through e-mail or direct marketing.
Community Cats
See here for more info. Also need educators to speak to the neighborhoods about Arlington and Community Cats