Check the Arlington shelter's website for up to the minute stray intake.
Check ALL the shelters within 10-20 miles of your home as pets roam.
Post free LOST ad to Arlington shelter's website and check FOUND section at same link.
Post picture to the FAAS Facebook Page and we will do our best to repost.
Put up flyers around your neighborhood
Post to Craigslist, Petfinder.com, and Lost and Found FB pages.
If your cat is an outdoor cat, message us on Facebook as after 3 day stray hold we might have it in our TNR program.
I've lost my pet.

Report as found to ALL the shelters within 10-20 miles of your home as pets roam.
Post free FOUND ad to Arlington shelter's website and check LOST section at same link.
Post picture to the FAAS Facebook Page and we will do our best to repost.
Put up flyers around your neighborhood
Post to Craigslist, Petfinder.com, and Lost and Found FB pages.
If you must surrender to AAS, post picture and any info we can use such as good with dogs and also tell the intake staff any of this important info.
I've found a pet.